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სოციალური ქსელები

Travel to the Mountains with Mountain News – Join the campaign #traveltogeorgia

რუსული კანონი გააქრობს დამოუკიდებელ მედიას და საზოგადოებრივ ორგანიზაციებს, როგორც ეს პუტინის რუსეთში მოხდა.

როცა დაგჩაგრავენ, აღარავინ იქნება, ვინც თქვენს პრობლემას გააშუქებს და გვერდში დაგიდგებათ.

„მთის ამბები“ „ქართული ოცნების“ რუსულ განზრახვას ბოლომდე გაუწევს წინააღმდეგობას!

19:59 - 23 ივნისი 2019 hits 15280

If you think that you should spend this summer in Georgia because of Putin’s travel embargo to support local tourism and really want to get to know the country better, let's go to the mountains.

The mountains that defended Georgia’s border and even dignity for centuries, will still meet you with such adventures, as you can’t find it anywhere.

We will travel from Chargali to the Iori Gorge; to the village of Mikha Khelashvili – warrior and poet who was betrayed and killed fighting for Georgia's freedom; to Gudamakari village’s women; to 79-year-old Mariam Mindikauri, who defends village Khakhabo; to Keto – little princess of the castle town – Mutso; to Niko Ardoteli in Ardoti village; to the villages of Tusheti; to Akhoti - surrounded by cliffs and rich with Khevsurian dialect; to Truso Gorge; to Racha’s almost emptied villages where they will meet you with great joy and hope; to Svaneti on the footprints of Mikheil Khergiani („the tiger of the rock“) famous alpinist.

Mountains are calling for you from each side.

Mountain News will help you to pick up:

  • Preferred places to rest well, at a favorable price;
  • Routes;
  • Services (Host - Family Hotel, traditional cuisine of mountain, safe transportation, horse service, qualified local walking and mountain guides);
  • You will get acquainted with the heroes of Mountain News who will tell you interesting stories about their living area.

Join our group on Facebook „Let’s go to the Mountines“ and write to us.

www.Mtisambebi.ge is the only media resource in Georgia focused on mountainous regions. The online edition pays special attention to solving problems in such regions.


„მთის ამბები“ დამოუკიდებელი საინფორმაციო ონლაინგამოცემაა. ვებგვერდს მართავს საინფორმაციო ცენტრების ქსელი.

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